Pi Attenuator Calculator
A Pi Attenuator Calculator calculates the values of resistors R1 and R2 for a Pi attenuator circuit. The Pi attenuator is a type of passive attenuator that uses a resistive network circuit. It reduces the power of a signal without distorting its waveform, ensuring impedance matching between the source and the load for optimal power transfer. Pi attenuators are commonly used in radio, electronic circuits, communication, and microwave transmissions.
Enter the value of Attenuation and Impedance of the system
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A Pi attenuator circuit consists of one series resistor and two parallel shunt resistors, which are connected to the ground. They can be symmetrical or unsymmetrical depending on the values of the shunt resistors. This calculator requires input values such as the desired attenuation in decibels (dB) and the impedance in ohms to determine the resistor values R1 and R2 for the Pi attenuator circuit.
Example: Calculate the resistor values for a 40 dB attenuator with equal impedances of 50 Ω.