The WI62195T from Wise-integration is a Half-Bridge GaN-on-silicon Power IC. This transistor has a drain-source voltage of up to 650 V, a gate threshold voltage of less than 1.8 V, and a drain-source on-resistance of 195 milli-ohms. It has a continuous drain current of 9 A. This normally-off transistor achieves high current, high voltage breakdown, and high switching frequency. It has a bottom-side cooled configuration and supports easy gate drive requirements (0 V to 6 V). This power GaN IC provides zero reverse recovery loss and can tolerate switching frequencies above 1 MHz. This GaN IC is available in a surface-mount package that measures 6 x 8 mm and is ideal for high-efficiency power conversion, high-density AC-DC, DC-DC, DC-AC power conversion, bridgeless totem-pole PFC, ACF (active clamp flyback), LLC resonant converter, half-bridge topologies, synchronous buck or boost, small-medium UPS, and fast battery charging applications.