The EPC23102 from Efficient Power Conversion is an Integrated Gate Driver Stage IC that is ideal for buck, boost, buck-boost converters, half-bridge, full-bridge LLC converters, motor drive inverters, and Class D audio amplifier applications. It requires an input voltage from 10 V to 80 V. This gate driver uses EPC’s proprietary GaN IC technology that enables efficient integration of high side and low side eGaN FETs, input logic interface, level shifting, bootstrap charging, and gate drive buffer circuits. It uses robust level shifters from the low side to high side channels that are designed to operate accurately with soft and hard switching conditions even at a large negative clamped voltage and to avoid false triggers due to fast dv/dt transients. The logic lockout interface integrated into this IC commands both FETs to switch off when both the input signals are high at the same time.
The EPC23102 externally connects resistors to tune SW switching times and over-voltage spikes above the rail and below the ground. The RoHS compliant driver consists of under-voltage lockout (UVLO) and Power On Reset (POR) circuits to protect the output FETs from unwanted turn-on at low or even complete loss of supply voltages. It offers an efficient packaging construction that allows for very low parasitic inductance from the power terminals to the underlying PCB solder pads. This gate driver is available in a thermally enhanced surface-mount package that measures 3.5 x 5 mm.