The AOK065V120X2 from Alpha & Omega Semiconductor (AOS) is a Silicon Carbide Power MOSFET that is ideal for industrial and renewable energy applications such as EV chargers, solar inverters, UPS, SMPS, and motor drive applications. It has a drain-source breakdown voltage of over 1200 V, a gate threshold voltage of 2.8 V, and a drain-source on-resistance of less than 65 milli-ohms. This power MOSFET has a continuous drain current of up to 40.3 A and a power dissipation of less than 187.5 W. It is based on AOS' proprietary αSiC MOSFET technology that delivers high efficiency, high thermal performance, high switching speeds, and a greater voltage capability. This MOSFET has an optimized drive voltage for broad driver compatibility. It also has a robust body diode with a low reverse recovery charge, which makes it suitable for bidirectional power applications. This RoHS-compliant MOSFET is available in a surface-mount package that measures 40.62 x 15.70 mm.