The MAX3207EAUT+T from Analog Devices is a Low-Capacitance Protection Diode that is designed for high-speed and general-signal ESD protection. It has a forward voltage of 0.65 - 0.95 V and a reverse current of less than 1 µA. This diode has a continuous power dissipation of 696 mW. It features an integrated transient voltage suppressor (TVS) and has low channel-to-channel variation from I/O to I/O. This diode benefits from high-speed differential or single-ended ESD protection and has optimized pinout for minimized stub inductance on controlled-impedance differential transmission line routing. It has an automotive operating temperature range from -40°C to +125°C. This diode is available in a surface-mount package and is ideal for DVI input/output protection, set-top boxes, PDAs/cell phones, graphics controller cards, displays/projectors, high-speed, full-speed and low-speed USB, port protection, firewire IEEE 1394 ports, consumer equipment and high-speed differential signal protection applications.