The A4759E6R from AiT Semiconductor is a Single-Pole Double-Throw (SPDT) Analog Switch that is ideal for mobile phones, portable instrumentation, consumer and computing, battery-operated equipment, signal gating, chopping, modulation or demodulation (modem) applications. It requires an input voltage of 1.8 - 5.5 V and an input current of less than 1 µA. This analog switch exhibits a low on-state resistance, which helps in minimizing power losses during operation. It can handle both analog and digital signals.
This SPDT switch has excellent total harmonic distortion (THD) performance and consumes very low power making it suitable for portable audio applications. It features excellent ON-state resistance matching along with a break-before-make (BBM) mechanism, which ensures high signal integrity during channel switching. This RoHS-compliant switch operates over an extended industrial temperature range of -40°C to +125°C. It is available in a surface-mount package that measures 3.02 x 1.70 x 1.25 mm.