The BC847BPN from Panjit Semiconductor is a Dual NPN/PNP Transistor that has been designed for portable applications where board space is at a premium. It has a collector-emitter breakdown voltage of over 45/-45 V (NPN/PNP), a base-emitter voltage of up to 0.7/-0.75 V (NPN/PNP), and a collector-emitter saturation voltage of less than 0.1/-0.3 V (NPN/PNP). This complementary transistor pair has a collector current of up to 100/-100 V (NPN/PNP). It electrically isolates the NPN and PNP transistor on a single IC, providing independent and reliable performance levels. This RoHS-compliant dual transistor is available in a surface-mount package that measures 2.20 x 1.35 x 1.00 mm and is ideal for handheld computers, PDAs, and general-purpose amplifier applications.